San Marino. Ecco la risoluzione dei lavori della 140° Assemblea dell’Unione Interparlamentare in corso a Doha


Al termine dei lavori della 140° Assemblea dell’Unione Interparlamentare in corso a Doha, è stata approvata la risoluzione riguardante l’emergenza umanitaria in corso in Mozambico, Zimbabwe e Malawi colpiti dal ciclone Idai, oggetto del punto d’urgenza. Durante la votazione di tale documento, la Delegazione ha incontrato e rivolto al Presidente del Parlamento del Malawi, Richard Msowoya, la vicinanza e la solidarietà delle Istituzioni e del popolo sammarinese per le tragiche alluvioni che hanno violentemente colpito il paese africano, ricordando come nello stesso sia presente da qualche anno, in modo attivo e concreto, una Missione di San Marino.
La Delegazione ha partecipato altresì a diversi eventi a margine. Tra questi, quello organizzato dal Gruppo geopolitico a cui San Marino afferisce, 12Plus, in merito alla delicata situazione politica, economica e sociale del Venezuela. L’auspicio condiviso è che il dialogo possa prevalere su qualsiasi ipotesi contraria ai principi democratici e alla tutela dei diritti basilari di tutta la popolazione. L’Organizzazione ha ribadito la propria disponibilità alla definizione di un piano di incontri politico diplomatici nel Paese sudamericano. Inoltre sono stati affrontati altri due temi particolarmente attuali: quello riguardante le Fake e Junk News, organizzato dal Comitato Permanente per la Democrazia e i Diritti Umani e quello sul Diritto alla Salute. Si è rilevata infatti la necessità impellente di provvedere ad una legislazione che possa garantire e proteggere la libertà di stampa ed espressione.
Tra le proposte, la creazione di un organismo internazionale per affrontare queste sfide che riguardano tutti i paesi affinché le singoli azioni nazionali possano essere più efficaci per contrastare non solo il fenomeno delle notizie false ma anche degli altri crimini informatici. Il focus sul Diritto alla salute e la conseguente copertura medica universale (universal health covery UHC), discussi approfonditamente e autorevolmente anche pochi giorni fa sul Titano, ha evidenziato in particolare l’importanza di tenere ben presente quanto oltre ad essere una pura scelta governativa, l’UHC è un’idea che oggi, nelle condizioni attuali, può veramente diventare un’opportunità per tutti i paesi disposti ad investire nell’imprescindibile diritto umano alla salute.
In plenaria, il Capo Delegazione Mirco Tomassoni ha espresso la coesione della Repubblica di San Marino rispetto alla funzione e alle buone prassi dei parlamenti, nel loro ruolo di garanti di uno stato di diritto, della pace e della sicurezza dentro e fuori i propri confini. A tal riguardo ha ricordato le recenti sottoscrizioni, da parte del Consiglio Grande Generale, di vari trattati internazionali, di normative in materia di diritti civili e, in particolare, le ultime iniziative volte alla promozione dell’educazione alla cittadinanza.

Al termine, ha incontrato la Presidente dell’Unione Interparlamentare Gabriela Cuevas Barrón in un confronto privato; durante l’amichevole colloquio, sono stati meglio definiti i dettagli della sua prossima visita a San Marino in occasione del 30^ anniversario dell’adesione della Repubblica all’Organizzazione.
All’estensione del presente comunicato, sono in corso le votazioni delle risoluzioni finali delle Commissioni Permanenti.
La prossima Assemblea si terrà a Belgrado dal 13 al 17 ottobre p.v..
Doha, 10 aprile 2019

140th Assembly of the Interparliamentary UnionDoha (Qatar), 6 – 10 April 2019
Speech by Mirco Tomassoni, President of the San Marino NationalGroup to the IPU

“Strengthening Parliaments as platforms to enhance education for peace, security and the rule of law”
Mr. Chairman,
Honourable Colleagues,
First of all, I wish to express to the authorities of Qatar, deep gratitude for the welcome given to our Delegation and for the perfect organization of the 140th IPU Assembly.
This year’s theme resonates with the core values of San Marino, a small republic but that has a long-lasting tradition as a sovereign and democratic state.
We, as Members of Parliament, should be aware of our role to promote initiatives that enhance the understanding on peace, tolerance, respect for our institutional frameworks and human rights. And even in a country like San Marino, that has an ancient tradition of functioning institutions, hence, rule of law, we don’t take Democracy as a given fact but we believe that it is an ongoing exercise of the will and energy of all stakeholders.
Democracy is the element for the promotion and consolidation of which, this Organization has been committed for over a century. Today, more than ever, it is important to defend it and ensure that political leaders are doing everything possible to put democratic values at the center of public debate.

There is an urgent need of a global social and political pact, that tends to overcome conflicts and value the ideas and the differences, and in which everyone gives up a little power and the desire to prevail, in order to confront each other in the name of strong principles such as cohesion and above all solidarity (we have seen this in the Government of migrant and refugee flows).
In this way the values of individuals with their aspirations, common interest, civil duties and human rights are fused into a precious league (or metal) with whom will be possible to build and strengthen the foundations of a new, responsible and virtuous being together.

Democracy is continuously subjected to attacks with tools and methods, in some cases even violent, an increasing phenomenon associated with a progressive concentration of richness and consequent social inequalities.
Not always what is manifestly violent is more dangerous than what apparently doesn’t seems outrageos. That’s why we would like to adress a call to all of you – dear collegues – parlamentarians of the world: don’t let the financial lobbies keeping to get round the law of each single State.
Now I want to share with you a few initiatives that recently our Parliament has undertaken to defend democracy and the values subject of this year Assembly.

All members of our Parliament of all political parties unanimously approved the institution of the National Day for the Education on Citizenship that was celebrated for the first time last March 15th and that will turn into a yearly tradition.
The choice of this particular day and that of September 15th, which is the International Day for Democracy, coincides with the twice yearly election of the Captain Regents (our Heads of State) and it adds deep meanings and values to this important institutional moments for our Republic, bringing more awareness among our citizens. We believe that it is important, particularly for the young generation, to have a better understanding of our institutions, our democratic values and, most importantly, to know that through the centuries it has been the citizens that have held the true power of change. We are hoping that with this new awareness and emphasis on education on citizenship, we will be able to better shape the future.
Moreover, the first celebration of this day also coincided with the first Global Strike for Future that was initiated and promoted by the Swedish 15-year-old Greta Thunberg, pushing for concrete measures to implement the Paris agreement.
In a society that is undergoing, in a more or less creeping form, the return of ideologies marked by sovereignty, social exclusion and the limitation of participation, as well as an undeniable disaffection from active politics, it is more fundamental than ever to undertake an action of citizenship education in the name of daily respect and the consolidation of solidarity between individuals, communities and generations.

As a neutral state, we believe it is our responsibility to promote peace and security.
This is why San Marino parliament ratified the Paris Agreement on climate change, although we can make a limited contribution to the global challenge, due to our size, we have already set up a series of projects to be able to meet the objectives of reducing emissions and protecting biodiversity that we have all joined together from now until 2030.

However, we know that alone we are only a drop in the sea, while the clock runs quickly and the time at our disposal to avoid disaster is less and less. We therefore hope that all those who are here today will share with us the need to prioritize environmental issues on the political agenda of their respective countries.
This is why San Marino has been one of the first 50 countries to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, our early signing and ratification of this Treaty was important into giving an impetus to the treaty coming into effect at the earliest.
Furthermore, as MPs of the Republic of San Marino, we believe that equality before the law, respect for human rights and diversity are key to the wellfunctioning of our Democracy.
That is why a law on Civil Unions was approved by a vast majority of Members of Parliament of all political parties. It represents a historical moment because finally it will give the opportunity to same-sex couples to enjoy the same rights.

That’s why San Marino continue to bring in our parliamentary sessions but also in our public debates the importance of implementing the rights of persons with disabilities as equal citizens.
In conclusion, we firmly believe that more work needs to be done in order to enhance education on the important values of peace, security and rule of law.
We live in a crucial moment where citizens are frustrated with the seeming inability of democratic governance to address today’s most pressing challenges, such as rising inequality, lack of respect for human rights and climate change.
Therefore, for all this I assure you of my country’s commitment and collaboration.
Thank you