San Marino. Stazione spaziale: un sito dove seguirne la rotta
SPAZIO: USA, STAZIONE SPAZIALE HA COMPIUTO CINQUE ANNI – This image provided by the European Space Agency (ESA) on Thursday 03 November 2005, shows the latest image of ISS taken from Space Shuttle Discovery in July 2005. Just over five years ago the Soyuz TM-31 spacecraft was launched into orbit. There had been 30 previous launches of the Soyuz-TM spacecraft, all of which went to the Mir Space Station. This flight however was a landmark in spaceflight history as it carried the first Expedition Crew to the International Space Station (ISS) where it arrived and docked two days later. ESA – NASA/ANSA/MNE
Stazione spaziale cinese Tiangong-1, su questo sito è possibile seguirne la rotta: