Slavina nell’albergo Rigopiano a Farindola, c’erano 30 persone, tra cui tanti bimbi. Capo soccorso alpino: ”ci sono tanti morti”

Tragedia all’hotel ‘Rigopiano’ a Farindola, sul Gran Sasso, travolto ieri da una slavina mentre ospitava almeno 22 persone più il personale. E’ stata estratta la prima vittima ma “ci sono tanti morti”, secondo quanto ha riferito all’ANSA il capo del Soccorso alpino abruzzese Antonio Crocetta, che da ieri sera si è messo in marcia con gli sci insieme agli altri per raggiungere l’albergo. La slavina si è staccata dalla montagna molto probabilmente a causa delle scosse di terremoto di ieri mattina.

Il racconto dell’inviato ANSA (VIDEO)

“La valanga è immensa”, confermano i soccorritori.  Il personale dell’albergo e i clienti sarebbero dunque da quasi 24 ore sotto la neve e le macerie. Dentro l’albergo risultano 30 dispersi. Le prime immagini dell’interno dell’hotel le ha trasmesse Skytg24: si vedono gli spazi comuni distrutti e coperti da cumoli di neve, rami di alberi e macerie.

Com’era l’hotel 4 stelle “Rigopiano” distrutto dalla slavina (FOTO)

La slavina ha fatto spostare di 30 metri la struttura.

Firefighters during rescue operations at hotel Rigopiano, Abruzzo region, overwhelmed yesterday by a snow’s avalanche, sent by rescuers arrived at the scene. Farindola (Pescara), Jan. 19, 2017. According to the Abruzzo mountain rescue there would be many deaths. ANSA
epa05729936 A handout picture provided by rescuers shows a helicopter and rescue workers en route to hotel Rigopiano after it was hit by an avalanche in Farindola (Pescara), Abruzzo region, early 19 January 2017. According to an Italian mountain rescue team, several people have been killed in an avalanche that has hit a hotel near the Gran Sasso mountain in Abruzzo region. Authorities believe that the avalanche was apparently triggered by a series of earthquakes in central Italy on 18 January. EPA/ITALIAN MOUNTAIN RESCUE
epa05729935 A handout picture provided by rescuers shows a convoy of emergency vehicles en route to hotel Rigopiano after it was hit by an avalanche in Farindola (Pescara), Abruzzo region, early 19 January 2017. According to an Italian mountain rescue team, several people have been killed in an avalanche that has hit a hotel near the Gran Sasso mountain in Abruzzo region. Authorities believe that the avalanche was apparently triggered by a series of earthquakes in central Italy on 18 January. EPA/ITALIAN MOUNTAIN RESCUE HANDOUT BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
L’Hotel Rigopiano a Farindola (Pescara), in una immagine presa dal sito web.
A video grab sent by Guardia di Finanza (GdF) shows the interior of the hotel Rigopiano, Abruzzo region, overwhelmed yesterday by a snow’s avalanche. Farindola (Pescara), Jan. 19, 2017. According to the Abruzzo mountain rescue there would be many deaths. ANSA/ GUARDIA DI FINANZA PRESS OFFICE
epa05729985 A handout picture provided by the Italian Fire Department shows an aeroal view of hotel Rigopiano after it was hit by an avalanche in Farindola (Pescara), Abruzzo region, early 19 January 2017. According to an Italian mountain rescue team, several people have been killed in an avalanche that has hit a hotel near the Gran Sasso mountain in Abruzzo region. Authorities believe that the avalanche was apparently triggered by a series of earthquakes in central Italy on 18 January. EPA/ITALIAN FIRE DEPARTMENT