Coronavirus: Usa, altri 2.502 morti In totale il bilancio delle vittime e’ salito a 60.876

epaselect epa08392204 A Miami Beach Parks and Recreations worker removes the ‘do not cross’ police line after the parks reopening in South Pointe Park in Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 29 April 2020. After sitting empty for weeks to prevent the spread of coronavirus, several Miami-Dade and Broward Counties parks are reopening today. The measured reopening begins with parks, boating, and golf. Cities and towns across Miami-Dade and Broward counties have announced which of their parks will reopen after Miami-Dade Mayor and Broward Mayor signed executive orders to allow them to operate under certain restrictions. EPA/CRISTOBAL HERRERA

Torna a salire il numero giornaliero dei morti da coronavirus negli Stati Uniti: nelle ultime 24 ore, secondo i dati della Johns Hopkins University, sono stati 2.502 rispetto ai 2.200 del giorno precedente. In totale il bilancio delle vittime negli Usa e’ salito a 60.876. Ansa